Garbh samhita in gujarati
Garbh samhita in gujarati

Additionally these procedures are associated with adverse effects and are not affordable to all. Over the past few decades, modern medical field developed modalities like hormonal therapy, in-vitro fertilization, embryo transfer, gamete intra-fallopian transfer, etc., but with minimal success rate. Ovulatory factor is an important subset in infertility among women, accounting about 40% cases. Ovarian factor contribute 15-25% and is the second common cause of infertility. So anovulation can be included under Beeja Dushti. Beeja, most essential part among the four has been considered as Antahpushpa, i.e. Rutu, Kshetra, Ambu and Beeja is the prime requisites for Garbha (conception). Couples often describe the “hope and despair” cycle, as they hope each month that they will finally conceive and then despair when once again it does not happen. Infertility can result in severe emotional stress. Infertility by itself does not threaten physical health, but has a strong impact on the psychological and social well-being of the couples. As successful pregnancy is a multi-step chain of events, even if one of the events or conditions is not met in the right amount of time pregnancy may not happen or reach to birth.

garbh samhita in gujarati garbh samhita in gujarati

Fertility is the capacity of a couple to reproduce or the state of being fertile. Procreation is a blessing that aids in transferring the genes from one generation to another and thus aid to evolution.

Garbh samhita in gujarati